
郭 帥 副研究員 2011年7月畢業於中科院寧波材料技術與工程研究所材料物理與化學專業,獲博士學位。2011年9月-2013年10月,中國科學院上海矽酸鹽研究所博士後。目前負責永磁燒結永磁組的項目研發及科研管理組織工作,主持國家博士後基金面上一項,寧波市自然基金一項,寧波市重點科技攻關項目一項,企業委託研發項目多項。以第一作者發表SCI學術論文5篇,授權發明專利1項,以參與者身份發表SCI學術論文14篇,申請發明專利5項,並為IEEE Trans. Magn. 雜誌擔任審稿人。





1. S. Guo, X. Zhang, G. Ding, R. Chen, D. Lee and A. Yan. “Coercivity enhancement of sintered Nd-Fe-B magnets by chemical bath deposition of TbCl3” J. App. Phys

2. S. Guo, Y. Liu, B. Chen, C. Yan, R. Chen, D. Lee and A. Yan. “Effect of hydriding degree on the microstructure and magnetic properties of sintered NdFeB magnets” J. App. Phys.

3. S. Guo, R. Chen, B. Zhen, G. Yan, D. Lee and A. Yan. “Effect of Temperature Gradient on the Microstructureof the Rapidly Solidified Nd–Fe–B Strips” IEEE Trans. Magn

4. S. Guo, Q. Zhou, R. Chen, D. Lee and A. Yan, “Microstructure and magnetic properties of sintered Nd-Fe-B magnets with high hydrogen content” J. App. Phys

5. S Guo, R J Chen, Y Ding, G H Yan, D Lee and A R Yan, “ Effect of DyHx addition on the magnetic properties and microstructure of Nd14.1Co1.34Cu0.04FebalB5.84 magnets” J. Phys. Confer. Series

6. Xiaofeng Zhang, Shuai Guo, Changjiang Yan, Lingwen Cai, Renjie Chen, Don Lee, A. Yan. “Improvement of the thermal stability of sintered Nd-Fe-B magnets by intergranular addition of Dy82.3Co

7. C. Lin, S. Guo, W. Fu, R. Chen, D. Lee and A. Yan. “Dysprosium Diffusion Behavior and Microstructure Modification in Sintered Nd-Fe-B Magnets via Dual-Alloy Method ” IEEE Trans. Magn

8. W. Fu, S. Guo, C. Lin, R. Chen, D. Lee and A. Yan. “Effect of Rare-Earth Content on Coercivity and Temperature Stability of Sintered Nd-Fe-B Magnets Prepared by Dual-Alloy Method” IEEE Trans. Magn.

9. Y. H. Liu, S. Guo, X. M. Liu, D. Lee and A. R. Yan. “Magnetic properties and microstructure of Nd-Fe-B sintered magnets with DyHx addition” J. App. Phys

10. Bicheng Chen, Xingmin Liu, Shuai Guo, Changjiaing Yan, Renjie Chen, Youhao Liu, Don Lee, Aru Yan, “Design and fabrication of Dy-free sintered permanent magnets with high coercivity” J. App. Phys

11. Bicheng Chen, Xingmin Liu, Renjie Chen, Shuai Guo, Changjiaing Yan, Don Lee, Aru Yan, “The mechanism of enhanced magnetic properties of sintered permanent magnets by substitution of Pr for Nd” J. Alloy Compd

12. Q. Wu, T. Yu,S. Guo, X. C. Feng, M. X. Pan, P. Y. Zhang, B. S. Han, H. L. Ge and A. R. Yan. “Effects of Ga addition on structural and magnetic properties of nanocomposite Nd-Fe-B-Ti-C thick ribbons” J. App. Phys

13. G H Yan, R J Chen, Y Ding, S Guo, Don Lee and AR Yan, “The preparation of sintered NdFeB magnet with high-coercivity and high temperature-stability” J. Phys. Confer. Series

14. Renjie Chen, Shuai Guo, Don Lee, and Aru Yan “The Microstructure and Magnetization Behaviors of (Pr8.2Fe86.1-xCoxB5.7)0.99Zr (x = 0-10) Nanocomposite Magnets” J. App

15. Renjie Chen, Shuai Guo, Don Lee, and Aru Yan “Magnetic properties and magnetization behaviors of melt-spun PrCo6.6Ti0.4Bx (x = 0 - 0.35) ribbons” J. App. Phys

16. Y. H. Liu, S. Guo, R. J. Chen, D. Lee and A. R. Yan. “Effect of heat treatment on microstructure and thermal stability of Nd-Fe-B sintered magnets”. IEEE Trans.

17.Wu, Qiong; Ge, Hongliang; Yan, Aru; Zhang, Pengyue, Guo, Shuai;Pan, Minxiang; Hu, Xiukun. “Preparation, Structure, and Magnetic Properties of Nd–Y–Fe–Mo–B Nanocomposite Ribbon and Bulk Magnets” Japanese J. Appl. Phy.

18. J. B. Yang, Y. B. Yang, X. G. Chen, X. B. Ma, J. Z. Han, Y. C. Yang, S. Guo, A. R. Yan, Q. Z. Huang, M. M. Wu, and D. F. Chen. “Anisotropic nanocrystalline MnBi with high coercivity at high temperature” Appl. Phys. Lett.

19. 丁勇,陳仁傑,郭帥,劉興民,李東,閆阿儒. “添加Dy 元素對釹鐵硼速凝片微觀組織和磁特性的影響” 物理學報

20. 郭帥,李東,閆阿儒 ,一種提高燒結釹鐵硼矯頑力的方法。

21. 劉友好,郭帥,劉興民,陳仁傑,李東,閆阿儒,一種提高燒結稀土-鐵-硼永磁材料矯頑力的方法。

22. 章曉峰、郭帥、陳仁傑、李東、閆阿儒,燒結釹鐵硼磁體及其製備方法

23. 嚴長江、閆阿儒、郭帥、陳仁傑、李東,稀土永磁體及其製備方法

24. Shengzhi Dong; Kiruba Sivasubramaniam; Chao Yang; Xingmin Liu; Shuai Guo; Bicheng Chen. MIXED RARE-EARTH PERMANENT MAGNET AND METHOD OF FABRICATION. GE and NIMTE Cooperation. US Patent Application

25. 劉興民,陳必成,閆阿儒,劉壯,郭帥,李東. “一種燒結釹鐵硼永磁材料及其製備方法”




2013年度中國產學研合作創新成果獎 2/7;

2012 年度寧波市科技進步一等獎 4/13;

2012 年度中國科學院院地合作優秀產業化團隊獎 2/10;




